Setiap 20 Hari Berat supardi Naik Sekilo

BANDUNG - Excess weight loss experienced by Supardi boy of 14 years since he was 20 days. According to Endang (64), the parent Supardi, at age 20 days, body weight was 4 kg Supardi.

"Since then, every 20 days his weight increased 1 kg. Until now gained weight on," Endang said her youngest son to tell the condition of four brothers, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Tuesday, (11/05/2010).

Endang the day-to-day work as coolies, the claim was never strange to feed his son. Day-to-day, said Endang, Supardi only eat twice.

"It's also only ate the same salty fish. Most also cassava and cassava fuel," said Endang Sundanese accent.

Endang said, before he was referred to RSHS, Supardi could be brought to one hospital in Sukabumi. At that time, he said, weighing in fact already reached 140 kg.

"Then when my child was referred to RSHS on 24 April, the weight had dropped to 117. But now even risen steadily up to 122.5 kg," said Endang.

Supardi (14), residents of Kampung Desa Cibalengbeng Cibaregbeg Sagaranten Sukabumi District, was forced to undergo treatment at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital. Endang couple's son (64) and Upit (54) was suffering from obsesitas or overweight. In the new age of 14 years, his weight reached 122 pounds.

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