Heboh! Makam Dukun di Tulungagung Meledak

TULUNGAGUNG - Villagers Sanggrahan, District Boyolangu, Tulungagung, East Java on Sunday commotion made by the shaman's grave news that exploded, 9 May yesterday.

A tomb which is known to belong to a shaman suddenly exploded. The grave is of course burst into spectacle of a number of area residents flocked to visit the grave of this horrendous.

The grave is considered to explode This makes residents tantrum. This tomb is the tomb of a shaman named Rosiah who died exactly a year ago March 1, 2009. Responding to this, people seem to relate to things mystical smells.

Citizens should have a presumption of any kind, but this incident certainly is the duty of the police. Police are now investigating the cause of the destruction of this tomb. While the police investigation into suspected cause of the explosion caused by gas pressure from inside the cemetery.

"If it explodes it's why what we do not yet know clearly. If according to witnesses, it was not a sound. Although it is not hard, then no one at all at the scene," said PPA Kapolsek Boyolangu Suryadi, Monday (10 / 5 / 2010).

Police have urged residents to not menyangkutpautkan with mystical things that make no sense. But the fact people now claiming restless. Some even think the explosion of the shaman's grave has become a bad omen.
source from http://news.okezone.com/read/2010/05/10/340/331071/heboh-makam-dukun-di-tulungagung-meledak

1 komentar:

  1. hendro-prayitno said...

    hanya tuhan yang tau,,tapi kira-kira apa ya penyebabnya